Thursday, February 10, 2005

An Open Letter to Apparently Suicidal North Korean Dictator Kim Jung Il

Hey Kim. How’ve you been, buddy?

Listen, I’m just wondering if you’ve been feeling depressed lately. Actually, let me just be frank: are you feeling suicidal? Do you want me to call somebody for you or anything?

Because telling the national community that you damn well have nuclear weapons and saying that you’re going to keep them until somebody pries them from your cold, dead hands is just absolutely a suicidal death wish.

We have a psychotic, coke-snorting cowboy in the White House and a Secretary of State who has ice water running through her veins who will spin the situation in speeches until the red states believe there is nothing more honorable than taking your ass out.

You’ve seen what has happened in Iraq. You see what our darling political leaders are brewing in Iran. Why do you insist on putting yourself next on the list?

Call me if you want to talk, okay? Any time. Maybe we can get you a shrink or something. Lexipro and Xanax have done a lot of good things for a lot of good people, you know?

Your Friend,
Josh H.