Saturday, April 23, 2005

Smutty Snacks at 2 a.m.

Josh K. and I went to see his film at the U of M Film Festival with our friend, Michael, and we worked up quite an appetite watching all those student films. Some of them were heinous. Awful, really. But one of them, called “Daydream Degas” was absolutely beautiful. And I might be biased here, but I thought Josh K.’s "Moira" was truly one of the best films at the festival. No joke. But I digress.

At 2 a.m. we left the film festival and made a unanimous decision that fast food was in order, stat. The picture above shows the Josh & Josh smutty Burger King tray, complete with four hamburgers, five chicken tenders, and a large Coke. A boy can really work up an appetite watching movies, you know? Movie watching is such an arduous task.

Anyhow, I’ve got my fingers crossed for Josh’s film. I really want him to win.

Josh K. and Josh H. at 2 a.m., just before snarfing down smutty snacks at Burger King.