Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sinning With My Headphones

Let’s say you have a really boring class Monday and Wednesday afternoons that you and your friends have nicknamed The Most Boring Class Ever.

Usually you deal with this problem by bringing your laptop to class and using wireless Internet access to check your e-mail and read The New York Times Online.

But today? Today you are feeling particularly naughty.

So what do you do? Why, you wire your iPod headphones through the sleeve of your shirt, pop a headphone into one ear, lean your head on your hand to hide the earphone, and watch a movie on your laptop during class.

This sort of behavior makes The Most Boring Class Ever go by much faster.

These things happen when you’re a college senior in your last two weeks of classes.

Sometimes being naughty feels wickedly good. I almost feel like I deserve a spanking.