Friday, January 28, 2005

Swedish Homos, Vanilla Ice, and Worms

So it seems that our Nordic brothas and sistahs are considering letting their homos get married. (Currently The Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada are the only countries that allow full same sex marriage rights.)

And did you know that Vanilla Ice's legal name is Robert Van Winkle? Doesn't that sound like the name of the neighborhood child molester? Check out his hideous mug shot and contemplate the issue of his bangs. Air sickness bags recommended.

Remember the Blaster Worm virus that shut down e-mail across the nation, caused $600,000 of damage at Microsoft and more than $1 million in damage nationwide? Remember how the kid who created the worm, Jeffrey Lee Parson, went to my high school? He was sentenced to 18 months in prison today for his 'lil worm adventures. Listen for this to be the hot gossip at Rocco Altobelli Minnetonka while housewives get their foil jobs done and cluck their tongues about how their Jimmy went to school with Jeffrey and what a shame the whole thing is.