Monday, May 09, 2005

I'm Finished With College Forever!

While I had my last day of college classes last Wednesday, I still had two final papers to write. I didn't feel like doing them this weekend (really, there were more fabulous things to do) but they were sort of due today so, uh, I quickly got down to business this morning.

I went to Espresso Exposé on campus, set up shop with a fresh drink, my laptop, and a pile of syllabi, class notes, and assignment sheets and got down to work.

I wrote the five-page paper in two hours. Then, in a heroic moment of academic gusto, I researched and wrote my ten-page paper in three hours. (If I were a superhero I'd like to think that my superpower would be super-fast paper writing. That or the ability to read minds and leap tall buildings in single leaps. But whatever.)

At 5:57 p.m. today I turned in my very last college paper. I slipped it under my professor’s door and, just like that, college was over.

I took this picture right after I turned in my last paper. I’m standing in the hallway of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and, yes, I’m unshaven and wearing my glasses. But I’m also done with college and absolutely thrilled about it.

Now all I have left to do is walk across the graduation stage on Sunday morning, flip my tassel, and then Josh and I will be packing our suitcases…