Thursday, June 02, 2005

Yesterday, I Almost Died

I knew I was in need of a day off when I called Josh H. with news of my imminent early death.

"Are you serious?" he asked, skeptical of my condition.

"Yes, Josh. I think I have Lyme Disease. And I have this weird swollen lymph node in my left armpit that aches a little bit and that tiny tan bump on my leg isn't going away and, Josh, I'm think I'm dying. I know I am. And I'm having two root canals, Josh. TWO. And I have a headache."

"Josh, you're not dying and you don't have skin or armpit cancer, Lyme Disease, or anything else. How much sleep have you been getting?"

"Not much. And it's Cancer of the Armpit, Josh. That's what they'll call it after I succumb to it," I said, quickly realizing that maybe all I needed was a nap.

But, seriously: two root canals? Who's great idea was that?