Sunday, June 05, 2005

Surviving the Suburbs: BackHOE!

On Sunday afternoon, while Josh H. was at his parents' Sprawling Surburban Estate reading a lofty book in the grass, I was at my dad's Sprawling Suburban Estate practicing my backhoeing skills.

Now, I don't usually like to operate heavy machinery (ahem!) because I'm so accident-prone, but my dad was so proud of his new toy that it would have hurt his feelings if I passed at the opportunity. So I obliged his request that I dig him a hole while he snapped a few photos of me.

Later, I sat in awe as my dad showed me another new toy of his: a spinning brush attachment to his Bobcat that he used to rid the driveway of a pile of mud. Mind you, I was awed not by the capabilites of the Bobcat's new attachment but, instead, because I am now 100% positive that my mom had an affair with the mailman.